"Glamorous red carpet"
Sounds fab? This may be the theme of our grand night. Think about it, you guys in the most gorgeous dresses and tuxes (Well, probably for the boys), walking down the red carpet reaching the main entrance in total confidence and style. Bejeweled with dimes and golds, looking like movie stars. Hotness overload!
But wait! Uh-uh, I heard moans.
"Ugh, that is so high school prom~!"
"Isn't that too common?"
"Errr... I'm not really into tuxes, ladies~"
Well, stop. Don't whine, babies. We know it won't be that fun if it's just us who's gonna make the decision without hearing any thoughts from y'all, fellow comrades.
So here, we would like to ask you guys a favor. Simple favor we think anyone who carries the title batch Jan'05 can and should drop a word of suggestion.
Your words, our words. It counts. So voice up fellas! Do speak.

So what's your theme?
That's all~! Spending my fabulous weekend at a spa you probably couldn't afford to go. ;-)
-Jeanine Osa-
What about coming up with a theme which is more specific, probably like 60's Party or a masquerade party? Should be more interesting =)
yup!! masquerade~ or gothic myb.. hahaha
In determining this theme, i would prefer if the theme is suitable for all of us in order to choose proper dresses to be worn on that day. how about to have a color theme?? such as black n silver or cream n maroon, etc..
I agree with 'Anonymous' idea.. basically it will be easier if we just set up the color theme. It will make it easier for everybody to choose their own comfortable dresses. More flexible I should say.. ^-^
Having color theme may made us looked like school children, going somewhere with a predetermined colour dress. boys will find it even difficult to match to the theme.
Yeah, agreed with the latest anonym. And I find its hard to fit in with color theme, Im dark, if I had to wear orange I'd be like a bee! =P
How about something edgier? It can still be a red carpet theme, but add in some zest of batik/world theme to it?
this is a dinner and not a party right? hope 2 find a theme which can suit many kind of dress
yada yada~
kte pkai je apa yg ada kn sng~
xpyh sush~
best sial batch kte da ade blog
best gile babi
Wahahha... I dont mind any thing u guys up with colors or theme.. All I want is the best food that I ever eat.. no point if we go there for show off / difficulties on taking care.. hahaha I sugguest the 'Movies theme'..Any blockbuster movies in the world..
Disagree with Masquerade.. intriguing as it may sound but I don't fancy the idea of going to a final dinner with my batchmates not being able to see who's who :)
anything can be glamors....
colors theme??/
semua masuk dlm glamours nye theme...
i think this theme satisfied everyone..huhuh...besh2...
baju kebaye pom bole....bole...
janji everybody looks great on that nite..hehehhe
how bout american pie style...stifler rox..yeah..!!
tu rr..nk theme cm mystical masquerade kew~nk secret2 sket ngan kowg..nnti kantoi rr mkn byk~
theme: boxer~
nk suggest lg: mystical masquerade~
This might sounds lame but I still want to say it.
aku nak cadangkan tema menutup aurat. kepada sesiapa yg. rasa dirinya tu dah lama terbukak dan terdedah, bawak bawak la sehari tutup ape yg patut. dapat sehari je pun syukur alhamdulillah~
ala, macam waktu kelas islamic study zaman foundation dulu kan. cantik manis belake.
namun cadangan ni utk muslimin muslimat je la kan. nak ikut sudah, tak mo pon takpe.
kesimpulannya, aku dengan suka citanya mencadangkan tema etnik kreatif. yg melayu ngan baju melayu dan kurungnya, yang chad dgn ape ape yg org chad pakai la kan.
I am expecting a lot of critics to my suggestion because after all, we are living in a country that practise democracy, aren't we?
(Standing ovation dekat BosaN)
Ape-ape la tema kiter, aurat dan batas biar terjaga. Pesen tidak buleh dijadikkan alasan nak menyunatkan ape yang wajib, ye dak?
Contohi the Thai girls, stylish yet modest.
Tepuk...tepuk...tepuk, tepuk pengakap!!!
Whatever Theme you guys choose, Man!
I just want to got there, have some fun, and GodDamn eat that food.
There is no theme for the food when its on your stomach.
But its cool, lets make this event the best of all times, you know what i mean?
salam... and very gud day...
i want to give some suggestion...
how bout retro??
cambest gak~~
wassalam and have a nice day..(",)
tema ape2 pn jd..asal kn senang utk sume nk cr bj, dress, etc..
ape yg penting...KERJASAMA
lame. sorry to say.
glamourous is way too general.
theme is just another word, makan is our main agenda. tapi bile lagi nk hang out same2 satu batch and exhibit our unity.
kalo bleh, after few years, tgk je gamba, trus kite igt the dinner event. and that goes well with a specific theme.
aku cam nak suggest horror theme, tp cam poyo sgt plak.
contradict to that, aku nak suggest white bleh? bersih, lembut, tenang, suci. batch kite kan bes~
hihi.. (jgn salahkan aku klu korg tefikir wedding dress plak.)
white anyone?
White party sounds cool but nnt tak0t baju kene stain n stuff..uhuks~`
I dun mind any theme..
Could go with any ideas..
just wanna wear something sweet n have l0ts of fun..ehee~` XD~
hrmmm..kalo susah nak cari main theme, ape kate kalo kite mix kn je?
i mean, everyone free with their own theme, but with a condition la. every theme at least bilangan die kene ade 1/4 or 1/5 of the batch full strength yg p dinner nnti.its going to be a new kind of dinner la with a new concept.
then time dinner nnti,arrangement die kite wat la partition based on theme diorang.
so,bg ak ni satu konsep rojak yg baru n sume bebas dgn tema sendiri.n ak rase akan meriah n memorable.uhu
just in my humble opinion la..
take it as my suggestion too.
I think the movie theme suggested is quite interesting, though i've heard dinners being arranged in such theme (example : James Bond)
Zephyro, cana nak arrange dinner with 4 tema and nak seperate kan? Saya agak confuse. Did u mean we'll be having a dinner in a hall which is divided into 4 diff spaces? And camana nak make sure tht just enough people dress accordingly for each theme. bcos if it can be done mcm interesting je =)
apa yang penting???
lagi sekali.... in english...
what is important??
mcm mane nak arrange 4 tema n nak seperatekan?
hrmm..my idea is, cube bayangkan la, let say kite ade 4 tema lain2 kan..
so the hall will b divided with 4 some sort of village la.each village will represent their own mayb identity based on their theme.
n ak rase itu sudah ckup menarik.
2nd Q, mcm mane nak make sure just enuf people for each theme?
hrmm..let say we finalize the 4 themes. n for each theme, we appoint la some1 to persuade others to join them n make sure ade limit la numbers that can join them.so that sume equal~
ni asek mende same je, y not try something new aite?
just my opinion la..
my idea based on sume pihak..
nak bagi sume puas ati dapat tema masing2..uhu
siyesly dun mind..
will go with whatever that makes most ppl happy..
but, these idea of urs will make ppl have options to choose what they want to wear.. XD~
the reason glamorous is chosen is because to fit in everyone's idea. we purposely make the theme looks general because of difficulties in getting consensus from all in choosing one specific theme. besides, to make everyone's life easier in choosing their dress. remember the main objective of this dinner is to have fun in a memorable nite, not burdening our frens in selecting proper dresses on that nite especially in term of money. the most importantly, the dress chosen must be decent potraying yourself as an educated student.
theme: Dress to Kill
vote for notheme!!
monotonous person like me only have sets of similar clothes .. I don't want to end up spending money for something that I'll only wear once ..
masquerade sounds nice.
btw, i prefer food theme over cloth theme. makan3x..
theme : casual smart.. huhu..
a general theme, but make sure kemas la sume org..
lgpun, sng sket nk pilih baju dgn theme ni tanpa perlu berhabisan byk wang, masa n tenaga untuk mencari n memakainye..
selesa pun selesa,
simple pun simple..
ape yang penting the food kenalah SUPERB..
barulah njoy~
makan sedap + tempat best + baju yg selesa = dinner yg best
btw..aritue ada suara2 mengatakan nak tanya group HUJAN..da tanya2 manager HUJAN..on 10 April derang ada show laen~
nak Meet Uncle Hussin
aku nak The Jonas Brothers!
tkleh bla tol beRt pkai ayat2 skema ni..
spotted!!jan05 dinner!
me agreed with anonymous!!
"monotonous person like me only have sets of similar clothes .. I don't want to end up spending money for something that I'll only wear once .."
but glamorous is just nice. Dahlila was right. glamorous is general. Girls can wear 'baju-kurung-moden-with-labuci2-merelip" and kebaya and guys can wear anything that is not so-tux. what's more important is all of us will be there without worrying about the dress code and everyone comfortable with their outfit.
Gossip Girl
suggestion theme: Sultanate Of Malacca Era. Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.
apa korang nmpk? aku nmpk hang tuah + tun teja. hang jebat + dang wangi. puteri gunung ledang.. sultan alauddin riayat shah.. hang li po.. rakyat biasa..laksamana. temenggung. syahbandar, bendahara. pedagang arab, cina, india..tengkolok.. keris.. tombak..lembing.. haha..over tak?
..yang menutup aurat..
but seriously.. rule out the gundik ok!! haha. and the Portuguese is totally out.
pape pun harap moderator buat poll untuk suggested theme..
Gothic..never tried dat 1 b4.huhu
What about formal/national attire in black + bright colors?
The main color is black or any dark colors (e.g. dark grey, dark blue etc), decorated with any contrasting bright colors (e.g. bright orange, bright pink, bright red, bright yellow, bright blue, bright green etc).
I believe everyone should have at least a piece of clothes in black/dark color? Decorate with scarf/tie/belt/ribbon/spectacles/necklace/bracelet/badge/shoes in bright colors. The only thing is that no matter how many accessories a person is wearing, they should be in the same/nearly same color so that we don't look like clowns. LOL.
That say, the choice of color is free, but only black/dark color + 1 bright color.
With that, it is flexible. We can even get a group of our friends to wear the same colors, but still having similarity among all the attendees in colors (dark+bright).
The name of the theme? Glamourously luminous? Glamourously fluorescent? LOL. I know I am bad in naming...
I am with filz
Anyway, when can we have poll for this?
I think it is better that way.
I think...
aku nak Bunkface perform wey ...
fcuk Hujan & M.U.H ...
hahha ...
cmon , Bunkface perform 10 lagu baru 3 ribu lebih je ...
more worthit then HUJAN ... hahah
apa la nmpk band2 luar je...
pe kata kte guna je band2 utp.
konfem xd pon nk cecah ribu2.
Belilah Barangan Buatan UTP.
sorry to say but please rule out HUJAN. i've been to their concert in Miri last year and it was horrible.
Nak band utp!
And....Zaufan~!!! Aku bangga ngan Zaufan!!!
poll please
1) for THEME
pilih je mne2...asal kn jimat masa, wang & tenaga
akhir kata
"Energy receive, Energy return"
just think bout others too.. this is dinner, not party.. agree with Gossip Girl.. "baju-kurung-moden-with-labuci2-merelip" and kebaya perfectly nice for girls.. i like them wearing that.. perempuan melayu terakhir gitu.. ahaks~~ =)
whatever theme is just doesnt matter guys~dont bothered too much..
theme ape2 pn asalkn yg pmpn JAGA AURAT n yg laki SOPAN..
think of how comfort u r when having da meals..kang bju mewah gah,tym nk mkn itu xkne ini xkne..
GLAMOROUS is general,jgn la tgk artist2 tuh..aigoo0oo
open up ur mind see wider
oh,we do have INFLUX, ZAUFAN, BAND JAMEN kan? they're great la..bukan calang2 maa..so,why not they perform taht night? leh je maen lagu Hujan,pastu MUH, pastu Jongos brader pon boley~ no prob~ ckp je. hehe
yesza...glamorous is so general, that it doesnt mean for us to be like those stars during red carpet..just that, be at your best suit and walk in..
again, more important is to Muslim, please cover your aurat.
best kalo dapat gune band UTP but the problem is band2 yang best mesti xavailable nnti coz Grand Finale Euphonious same tarikh dgn dinner nie- 10th April...yang laen2 ok kot
insyaallah leh adjust lg date nih..or tgk ape yg leh dibuat lg. aku pon nk g final eupho.haha
kalo betul nk readjust kene confirm btol nie..rasenye kalo dapat hari sabtunye pn ok kot..
Theme : Pergi lecture pukul 8am..
influx lagi ? hahaha ...
nak Click Five wey ... hahaha
i vote for mystical masquerade~
those, Muslims can wear purdah wat so ever~
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